Why We Need a Resource Revolution

“…without a step change in resource productivity and a technology-enhanced expansion of supply, the world could be entering an era of high and volatile resource prices. Nothing less than a resource revolution is needed.” –McKinsey Quarterly. Think about it: From 1980...

The Pain of Avoiding Prevention

What affects 90% of Americans and costs our economy $31 billion annually? Headaches. Headache disorders cause more than 1% of all disability and 9% of all lost labor in the US every year. Headache disorders are the most prevalent neurological disorders, affecting more...

What I’m Reading: We’re More Unequal Than You Think

Andrew Hacker, writing in The New York Times Review of Books, reviews a collection of books on social inequality, including one of my all time favorites, The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. His review...