by Jeffrey Hollender | Apr 29, 2011
A dangerous trend is hindering the financial growth of small businesses and our economic recovery on a national scale: young firms feel that banks have increasingly denied loans or credit to them, with 2009 standing out as a banner year for the sentiment that tougher...
by Jeffrey Hollender | Apr 27, 2011
We have before us an incredible opportunity to transform our economy. The disastrous turn our fiscal health took in 2008 has forced us to really think about the way our country creates and distributes wealth. One positive outcome of the recession is a zeal and...
by Jeffrey Hollender | Apr 18, 2011
Unemployment is bad, and our progress in creating new jobs has been unacceptably slow. Youth unemployment is often where the problem is worst, and it’s becoming a global phenomenon with 20 percent of British youth and 40 percent of Spanish youth unable to find jobs....
by Jeffrey Hollender | Apr 13, 2011
It’s been 64 years since George Bailey and his friends and neighbors saved his community bank in the classic “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Today, the desire and need to save local communities is just as important and urgent as it was in that wonderful...
by Jeffrey Hollender | Apr 11, 2011
America’s largest companies are, more often than not, contributing to a disastrous trend: a decline in job creation. When compared to 2006, in 2009, there was a 25 percent decrease in overall job creation and a 34 percent decrease in job creation among startups. These...
by Jeffrey Hollender | Apr 4, 2011
You’ve probably never heard of ALEC, but depending on where you live, you may be living under the state laws they made possible. ALEC – which stands for the American Legislative Exchange Council – secretly exerts incredible influence on how your state laws are made....
by Jeffrey Hollender | Mar 30, 2011
Too many of us increasingly feel that we have little control over the world around us. Whether it’s the driver pushing up too close behind us on the highway, news that a friend has lost her job, finding out that a relative has cancer, realizing the roof needs to be...
by Jeffrey Hollender | Mar 28, 2011
As we sit mesmerized by the global movement demanding democracy and watch with amazement things we never believed possible, we are reminded that hope is something we can never give up. From events happening on the world stage to progress that often takes place in...
by Jeffrey Hollender | Mar 24, 2011
“The Carnival Corporation wouldn’t have much of a business without help from various branches of the government. The United States Coast Guard keeps the seas safe for Carnival’s cruise ships. Customs officers make it possible for Carnival cruises to travel to other...