America Beyond Capitalism

I was giddy with hope back in November 2008 when Barack Obama won the presidential election. Like many, I believed that we stood at the edge of potentially enormous positive change, an opportunity that surely arises only once in a generation. Today, a year later, I am...

Arthur Gray: Ode to a Man of Faith and Fortitude

On Monday, December 14th, Arthur Gray passed away. Arthur was a member of the board of directors of Seventh Generation since 1991. Arthur was a humble man, never one to boast or focus on his own accomplishments. Arthur was a man of principle, a man of conviction,...

Short Term Thinking Shorts Us All

There’s been plenty said about Wall Street’s incredible collapse and the byzantine practices and illusionary (some would say delusionary) financial products that almost brought down our economy. But not enough has been said about the pervasive mindset that...

Environmentalism’s Dirty Secret

It’s easy to think of pollution as a problem we all share. Bad air, dirty water, chemical contamination, and other challenges spread themselves out roughly equally. Or so we think. The truth is more complicated: some places are more polluted than others, and the...

Transforming Capitalism:

A Conversation About Creating a Regenerative Economy Last week my good friend Otto Scharmer (co-author of Presence: Exploring Profound Change in People, Organizations and Society and author of Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges) invited me to participate...

Meetings with Remarkable Men

Over the past two weeks, I have met with some remarkable men. I had dinner with Vice President Al Gore, who was in New York to complete work on a new book about global climate change due out in November. We ate at Blue Hill in the Village where Chef Dan Barber...

In Our Every Deliberation

Sometimes you think you have something important to say, and before you know whether you can convince anyone in the publishing community that it’s of value, you decide that you’re going to go ahead and write it anyway. That’s how I felt two years ago...

Returning from a Sacred Passage

Landing at the Denver airport on a flight from Alamosa, Colorado, I am confronted with hundreds of acres of concrete under which nature has been forever buried. Entering the terminal there are scores of people, all of whom seem to be either in a terrible rush or bored...

A Sacred Passage

I soon head off for 11 days to Colorado’s celestial Sangre de Cristo Mountains on a sacred passage retreat. I’ll be on a vision quest, camping at altitudes between 8,000 and 12,000 feet, in the shadows of five towering, 14,000-foot summits. It’s a dramatic...